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    Amazing Benefits of Sandalwood and Tumeric Mix Soap (Must Read)


    There is a wide range of medicinal properties of sandalwood/turmeric Soap that makes it the best and most reliable of home remedies for face and all types of skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis and ringworm rash treatment.


    The amazing benefits of sandalwood/turmeric mixed soap includes:

    1. Anti-tanning Property

    The soap is one of the best clear skin remedies that can be used to sooth harsh sunburns and clear skin tanning. The natural oils in sandalwood naturally clear skin complexion and add a healthy glow to it.

    2. Anti-aging Property

    The toning effect of soap helps in shrinking skin pores that provides an even skin texture and prevents sagging and aging skin. It tightens the drooping skin tissues in order to provide a supple and youthful appearance to the skin.

    3. Skin Softening Effect

    One of the most effective benefit of this soap is ensuring soft skin. Sandalwood and turmeric soap can  be massaged into the skin to get best results.


    4. Pimple and Acne Treatment

    The powerful antibacterial properties of sandalwood and turmeric work effectively in fighting the bacteria and fungi and prevents the breakout of pimples and acne.

    5. Itch Relief

    Skin itching and infections can be relieved within few minutes of application of sandalwood and turmeric soap on the skin. It also helps in subsiding inflammation, skin redness and sore skin.

    6. Prickly heat Solution

    Excessive heat and sweating during summer season often result in itchy and painful prickly heat. The cooling astringent property of sandalwood helps in cooling the skin and curing prickly heat naturally.

    7. Clear Complexion

    Dark and dull complexion can make you unappealing and unattractive. Topical application of sandalwood mixed with  natural turmeric clear skin naturally without any side-effects.

    8. Facial Mask For Oily Skin:

    The soap is beneficial for oily skin as it regulates the production of sebum, an oily substance produced by the sebaceous glands. Sandalwood acts as an astringent and orange juice, being a source of vitamin C, helps clear the blemishes. For oily skin, apply it on your face. Leave it for 10 to 15 minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water.

    9. Facial Mask For Dry Skin:

    If you have dry skin, you can use the soap as a face mask. This can be applied to all dry areas such as the face, neck, elbows and knees. Allow it to dry completely and then wash off with warm water.


    10. Treatment Of Wrinkles:

    The soap is effective in reducing fine lines and wrinkles. You can apply it as a face pack on your face and neck for 30 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water. This will reduce wrinkles as well as brighten your skin. If you have dark circles, you can  apply it around your eyes for 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water. This is effective in eliminating wrinkles as well as dark circles.

    11. Signs Of Aging:

    Being an excellent exfoliating agent, soap can help eliminate the signs of aging.  Apply the soap evenly on your body and allow it to dry. Rinse off with lukewarm water and scrub your face gently in a circular motion.

    12. Treatment of Stretch Marks:

    The soap also works great for stretch marks. This is, again, because of curcumin – which penetrates the cell membranes. Curcumin is known to alter the physical properties of the cell membrane – and hence, it might cure stretch marks as well. Simply apply the soap to your waist and stomach before your bath. Wait for about 20 minutes – allowing the treatment to soak in. Wash the soap in your bath.

    13. Treats Skin Pigmentation

    The bleaching properties of turmeric can help treat skin pigmentation. The herb can also keep the skin free from infection. All you have to do is apply the soap to the affected area and leave it on for 20 minutes. Don’t go out in the sun for at least an hour. Rinse with cold water. You can do this once daily before showering. This wonder soap also helps reduce tan. Apply soap to the affected areas. After allowing it to dry properly, wash it off with water. You can also use a soap at night to improve your complexion. Apply the soap every night, and wash it off in the morning.

    14. Heals Cracked Feet

    The astringent properties of turmeric help heal cracked feet as well. Apply the soap to your cracked heels and leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.


    Not sure where to buy Sandalwood & Turmeric Soap in Ghana?

    Well, that’s easy! visit www.healthysoulenterprise.com. I have spent YEARS researching this, and the company does not only has the highest quality therapeutic products, but they also have a terrific story about supporting the people with chronic diseases and other health issues.

    Click Here to buy now!!!

    <blockquote class="embedly-card" data-card-theme="dark"><h4><a href="https://www.healthysoulenterprise.com/product/sandalwood-soap/">Sandalwood Soap</a></h4><p>Sandalwood & turmeric soap is a special formulation used to moisturize and give your skin a youthful, radiant glow. The mixed soap base provides a rich, creamy lather that gently conditions while it cleanses, leaving the skin soft and fresh.Regular application of this can give a glowing and flawless facial skin.</p></blockquote> <script async src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/platform.js" charset="UTF-8"></script>



    Sandalwood Soap

    Sandalwood & turmeric soap is a special formulation used to moisturize and give your skin a youthful, radiant glow. The mixed soap base provides a rich, creamy lather that gently conditions while it cleanses, leaving the skin soft and fresh.Regular application of this can give a glowing and flawless facial skin.


    Turmeric has superb benefits. No doubt about that. It not only makes your life better but also adds flavor to your dishes. Make it a part of your daily diet.
    Tell us how this post on turmeric benefits and uses has helped you. Leave your comments in the box below.


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